Future viewing
How do I see myself and my future?
Well first of all, bright. I love taking walks and talking to myself, that's how I get to know more about myself and how I absorb the feelings and thoughts I have about my own future.
Well first of all, bright. I love taking walks and talking to myself, that's how I get to know more about myself and how I absorb the feelings and thoughts I have about my own future.
Taking walks in nature is so beneficial for your mind, body and soul. You connect with nature and with yourself, your stress levels go down and you can feel more grounded, thus you're more balanced. You get fresh air, away from electronics (well depends if you're like me who take my phone with me to take pictures and no, not selfies) and you exercise! Well that's what I get from taking walks.
Though I still don't know what to do in the future in terms of career choice, I do get to know what I want to do in the future and what I know I will be doing in the future. That's because I can sense/feel that's where I'm headed at. Those things are:
Photography. I will continue to take photos, especially of nature. It's something I do in my daily life, something I've done in the past and will be doing in the future. Ofc, only a hobby of mine.
Writing. I love writing! I write poems, short stories and planning on writing a few "books" (dunno at this moment if I would take it to a publisher or simply put up each chapter on my blog). Also a hobby, though I hope for more people to read my work. After all, I'm not only writing to have fun or to let out my imagination. It's to grab the readers and affect them. Ever heard of, that a book can "swallow" someone up? My stories need food too! Dinner time, oh yeah!
Painting/drawing. I've done it for a few years, I can't imagine myself to stop doing it. Also a hobby.
Designing/Sewing. Well I need to get that sewing started.
Veganism. I've recently taken the step into veganism. I'm so happy and it wasn't much of a big step from lacto-ovo to vegan. Mostly because the daily consumption of dairy and eggs were minimal to begin with. I sense a future blog post here.
Environment. I love nature and I'm very conscious of the world of consumerism and the amount of junk we trash. That's why I'm bringing minimalism more into my daily life, recycle as much as possible (as before) and in the future to grow food for me and my future husband. I live in a apartment so when I've grown vegetables, it's been on a small scale and indoors.
No poo and holistic. Since a few months ago I've made my own deoderant and it works wonder! I do believe that most beauty treatments can be made from basic ingredients rather than somethings that is made in a factory, with ingredients that you can barely pronounce and shipped from various of different countries. Oh right, that deoderant can be a future subject here on my blog! Also, holistic. I believe that the things you encounter in your life, which need healing or have a problem solved are better solved by examining the roots. Sure, some things need an actual doctor or vet (if it's an animal) to assess the situation.
Spirituality. Spirituality have been with me for a long time, it's part of me. It will also develop more and it's something that I feel is something I'll incoporate into my life career wise. Though it's something that's kinda hard to tell AF: "Hey! What I wanna do? Well, spirituality". Though I'm not sure it's something I will be doing on the side or if it's going to be an actual career of mine. Spirituality is my calling.
Guidance/helping/healing. I've noticed for a few years now that I encounter people who are in need of an ear or advise. From friends to strangers. A friend of mine has told me twice that "You're very healing".
Youtube/blog. I've actually recorded some videos and put on my youtube channel. I feel inspired by other peoples videos to the point that I want to make my own. Though sadly, I don't have a camera for that. Also, the quality of those videos... I'm a bit sad. My cellphone... No, it's not possible. For now it's on hold. When it comes to my blog, I've started to put up more posts and I feel that it's something I'm more serious with. Before it was for fun (still is), but sometimes it has been breaks and haven't updated for a year or more.
Traveling/Travelling! Yes, I wrote down the two spellings. I want to travel to different places, stay for a while. This doesn't always mean vacation.
Nature & Health! Being more in nature, to exercise more and to simply breath.
CANADA! Here it is, something I've told a few people. I see myself living in Canada. I've been drawn to it since childhood. It's been on my mind for a very long time without understanding why. With time, it has sinked in that, that's where I belong, where I'm headed to. Canada is calling to me.
And some other fun stuff :)
So tell me, how do I squeeze in everything and find the perfect education/university.
The answer is: There is none! Well maybe it does (and it hasn't been found), but I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to go to a university. I will write the reasons for that in another blogpost.
I feel that my part on this earth is that my role here is to be inspired and inspire others, to heal and to guide.
That is all from me!

Cactus Summer Surprise. I do not own this picture or manga.
Förra veckan var jag till Cederkliniken för mina utslag på kinden.
Jag har haft dessa i snart ett år och anledningen till att det har tagit sån lång tid för mig att kolla upp detta är för att jag har antingen prövat att låta det vara i förhoppning att det skulle försvinna av sig själv, provat olika läkemedel från apoteket till att börja återfukta huden som bara den efter att en personal från Body Shop sa att det skulle ha varit torrfläckar eftersom min hud var så torr.
Läkaren jag träffade hämtade en annan läkare som gick fram till mig och sa direkt att det rörde sig om "Perioral Dermatit". För dom som inte vet, en undergrupp till Rosacea.
Min första tanke när mina utslag dök upp var direkt att det härrörde från stress.
Däremot så känner jag inte direkt till att det är utslag som har spridits sig till kinden (som hon anmärkte), då jag får finnar på hakan och linjen från mungiporna ner. Detta eftersom det är finnar som uppkommer precis innan jag får min mens eller precis har fått den... Sen jag först började få mens, dvs när jag var 13. Det är inte utslag jag får, som dom jag har på kinden. De på kinden blir inte större eller mindre, de uppkommer väldigt sällan finnar och det varken kliar eller bränner.
Jag fick iaf en kräm utskriven så får se hur det går med den. Har dock funderingar på att kanske skaffa mig en second opinion om ett par veckor om jag inte skulle se en förändring. För en liten förändring borde man lägga märke till efter den tiden, eller?
Jaja, får se hur det går och jag lär uppdatera framöver om detta :)

Stress is not okey, it's unhealthy. I do not own this picture.