Miu is 16 years old. Sixteen and running. She tries to run as fast as possible, but her energy is depleting with every step. Miu is gasping for air, her head feeling lightheaded and her legs heavy. After what felt like forever between running and falling, she manages to get out of the forest only to find herself drawing near the edge of a cliff. Walking slowly forward towards the cliff, she thought of the event that had happened earlier. A neighbour who is also a childhood friend of hers and her sister, invited her to have a walk with him in the forest. As they were strolling in the forest he guided her off the main path. After a while she noticed someone had set up a picnic in the middle of the forest and she understood immediately that it was her friend that had done it. As her childhood friend was cutting up bread he had picked up from the basket, she thought that this idea of his was a very nice gesture. She was about to take a seat when her childhood friend suddenly confessed in a calm manner that he liked her. Not only that, he proceeded to claim his undying love for her. He had planned out everything. Their wedding, kids, career, where to live and so on. Miu didn't even know that he liked her and this kind of confession scared her. She had an eerie feeling that this wasn't right. She didn't feel comfortable and above all, she no longer felt safe. Miu turned him down as politely as possible and told him she needed to get back home. He denied that she was feeling the way she felt, but she insisted and as he saw her turn around and walk away, something inside of him snapped. The next thing he knew she was lying on the ground and the back of her white blouse was quickly turning red. He picked up her body and walked further into the forest and dumped her into the nearest deep pit he could find, thinking that it was safe to leave here there and that he would come back and deal with her corpse at a later time. However, Miu regained her consciousness a short while after he had left, crawled out of the pit and started running for her life. Which led her to the cliff. She collapsed into a sitting position and glanced over the edge.
"Just like this, I was close to death" she thought, but the more pressing issue was that her wound needed treatment otherwise she would bleed to death. She heard a rustling noise behind her and she dreaded for a second it was her neighbour, but the light footsteps and a familiar voice calling out to her made her realize it was her sister. Miu quickly turned around and stood up and her identical twin sister Ria managed to catch her in a embrace before Miu's legs gave up on her a second time. While holding each other, Miu could feel Ria's body shaking and her voice filled with sadness and shock.
- I can't believe it! I can't believe John did that!
When realizing that her sister had seen everything she couldn't hold back her tears anymore.
- I can't believe it, I can't believe that...
Miu's eyes widened and she felt her sister retracting her hands from her back only to be placed on her chest instead and in the next moment her feet were stumbling backwards and over the edge. As she was falling, Ria's final words echoed through her mind for the last time.
"I can't believe it, I can't believe that..."
"...he chose you"

The picture doesn't belong to me but to its rightful owner.