My "DOOMSDAY" dream
A couple of days ago I had a dream. Looking at the title of this post, you can easily guess what kind of nature it is.
Since the beginning is still blurry in my memories (I was doing some stuff and flying around), I'll go ahead and skip that part (as read above, it wasn't that particularly important).
Since the beginning is still blurry in my memories (I was doing some stuff and flying around), I'll go ahead and skip that part (as read above, it wasn't that particularly important).
I flew with some stuff to a meteorite close to earth. After dropping off stuff I look to my right and saw a planet, which I recognized as Mars (even though it looked less red, like it had a grey filter over it or something). I contemplated if it was alright to leave the stuff there and if I would make it, going on another trip. I decide it was okey and get back to earth.
While back on earth I look up once again at Mars (which was as visible as when you can see the moon and I mean when it looks really large). In the middle of the planet I see it getting red. Even more red and orange-red and it spreads. I realize quickly that it was going to explode. It felt like I already knew it was going to happen, but not exactly when.
It was such an awe gaping moment. Admiration mixed with "oh sh-t!".
I immediately thought of saving my sister, but first I used some kind of mental magic where I put up a layer of protection around our planet. I saw in my mind that a wave coming closer to my barrier I had set up (I'm guessing this was some kind of shockwave or something. It was haltered, almost freezing up. However I knew it wasn't gonna last long and at some point slowly, slowly starting to creep closer (though my barrier was still gonna put a great resistance).
I flew over a small roof and saw my sister. I grabbed her, turned around slightly (in the opposite of the direction of Mars), lifted my hand and did a blow kiss. When I did so a light that glistened in sparkling, gold color emerged.
I told my sister to follow that light and that it would lead her safe to a new planet. She told me she couldn't leave without her bf. I knew I couldn't try to convince her to go right away, so we left to search for her bf. On the way I met other people and decided to help them as well, I just couldn't leave them here and only save my own skin and my sister.
More and more people started to join and I saw several of these gold colored beakons and people following it (of which I hadn't conjured).
I met Lady (a friend of mine) and I ask her to come with us and that she and my sister would go together (sorry bf, the search for you kind of got lost in all that chaos lol). She tells me that she had made a deal with Malin G that they two would go together. We call her up (put the call on speakers) and asked her if it was alright for Lady to go with my sister and that I would go with her instead. She was cool with that.
My sister and Lady heads off and I go to find and empty room (toilet?). I spin around once and at the same time I tell my destination "Växjö" where she lives. Voila, I have transported myself! (Take that HP)
I open the door and find myself indoor even though it feels like being outdoor. Sounds familiar? Well yeah, same concept as Småstaden (Piteå), but the layout looked a little bit different.
I speak loudly "Calling Malin G, calling Malin G. Come to XXX".
I look around the place, walk up towards a woman and ask her if she has seen my friend. Her gaze goes from me to looking behind me, raise her right arm and point. I turn around and see her sitting at a table bench (picnic table looking? I don't know what they're called) and waving her hand to me. My jaw drops a bit, I feel a bit confused and when I walk up next to her I ask her why she didn't respond to my calling earlier. She shrugs and tells me that I already know why.
I think for a slight second and nothing comes to mind. I shake my head. She tells me it's because she wasn't going to leave. I look at the other 5 people sitting at the same table and get a hunch that she didn't want to leave these people behind. I tell her that they all could pair up instead. She looks at me and goes "yeah, that works".
Said and done, they all get up and prepare to leave. While they are, I get a sense that something was about to happen in the center of the city (dunno if this was in the same city, because I teleported/flew my way there). I tell my friend to go ahead without me.
When I get there, there was a huge crowd. The buildings were a mix of modern day structures along with aztec and greece. I saw stange flying saucers and saw when the people attacking the aliens and machines (robot). They succeeded. I take this opportunity to cross over.
I work my way over by jumping on a flat stone "bridge" (it went slightly vertically and almost all the way to the other side, don't ask me, I also think it's a weird thing to have there).
I get a hold of a guy (mid thirty, forty?) that was the leader and take him behind a building. He was called "God" by the people even though he really wasn't. For some reason it seems we had agree to go together (it's a dream, unspoken words). I tell him "let's go" and he in return tells me he can't. I ask why and he answer that he can't leave his people behind. I tell him that the reason we were going to go together was because him leaving with me would make people wanting to leave as well, since he is their leader.
He shakes his head and look towards the people. I take this opportunity to say alright and kick his butt before leaving.
I followed the golden ray and while I was in the universe, I looked around to find my ride. That's right, that pillar of light didn't lead directly to a new planet, but to a transportation that would take us to our new home.
And oh yeah, there was a fire in somewhere in the crowd, but I skipped that detail in the story telling.
And that's it. That was my doomsday dream.
What I think about it... Transformation, a change. Some people choose to stay behind and go about the "old way" instead of embracing the new.
It was a very heavy feeling throughout the dream (from the moment I went and searched for people to rescue). It's that kind of feeling when you go through a transition. From letting go of the old way of thinking, letting go of things and so on. It wasn't something I felt within, but in the air. It felt like it wasn't about me (except the part where I went and helped people with guidance), rather something that will happen soon.
And that's it. That was my doomsday dream.
What I think about it... Transformation, a change. Some people choose to stay behind and go about the "old way" instead of embracing the new.
It was a very heavy feeling throughout the dream (from the moment I went and searched for people to rescue). It's that kind of feeling when you go through a transition. From letting go of the old way of thinking, letting go of things and so on. It wasn't something I felt within, but in the air. It felt like it wasn't about me (except the part where I went and helped people with guidance), rather something that will happen soon.
I see more and more people awaken. I see the change.

The pic does not belong to me, but to its rightful owner.