Pockie Ninja game support

qiuping.lu: Hello, game321, No.006 is working for you.
qiuping.lu: Can I help U?


ME: Yeah
ME: the game loads to 100% but afterwards I get a dark green background scene
ME: is that something familiar?


qiuping.lu: you can change another browser


ME: What can I do about it?
ME: How?
ME: Sorry, I have never done that before


qiuping.lu: what browser do you use?


ME: Mozilla Firefox


qiuping.lu: you can change another


Mari E: What would the best browser option be?


qiuping.lu: you can try firefox


ME: I am using firefox.. is it not the same?


qiuping.lu: it is same


ME: So you want me to change something I already have and using.. I don't get that


qiuping.lu: you mean what


ME: I don' get what you're saying


qiuping.lu: can you play the game ?


ME: No, it loads to 100% then I just get a simply dark green screen


qiuping.lu: did you change another browser ?


ME: NO, I'm using the best one there is (in my opinion) and that is firefox


qiuping.lu: yes ,does it work ?


ME: No

ME: That's what I have been telling you

ME: Are you.. qualified to be a supporter?


qiuping.lu: i am sorry ,our tech is working on it ,


ME: I'm just wondering if "my" problem is on this side or it's something others are dealing with it as well


qiuping.lu: there are so many players have your problem like you ,so we tried to dealing with it ,but you should give us time


ME: Well of course I can do that! I'm just asking to get an answer so that I can stop trying to load the game for the meanwhile


qiuping.lu: sorry for that ,you can try it later


ME: No need for apologies, you have done nothing wrong. I just simply asked to know if I should keep trying or come back another time/day :)
ME: Thank you for your help


qiuping.lu: you are welcome










Aijin Kankei. The picture does not belong to me, but to its rightful owner. The picture above pretty much describes my feelings towards game supports... Well not every time.





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